Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Jess and Dave

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

The workers are coming!  With the blessings of new teammates, Vova and Lilia, as well as the coming crew of 5 American interns for the coming academic year, we feel overwhelmed with the Lord's provision for our ministry here in Moscow.  Although we acknowledge these tremendous blessings with joy, we still await these new laborers with heavy hearts as we say goodbye to our dear friends and teammates, Dave and Jess Coats.

Dave and Jess have lived and labored alongside us here for just under 5 years and their footprint is one that will last not only for years to come, but well into eternity.  Dave's unique passion for social justice radically changed the direction of our ministry last year in particular.  The Lord used him to set our team on a path to serve and love in uncomfortable ways, inviting others to do the same.  As a result, we longed more deeply for the full transformation of not only the communities around us, but our own selves as well.  Dave, we will miss your ability to think outside the box, your Spirit-filled desire for transformation, and your giftings as both a vision caster and story-teller.

Jessica's presence will be most acutely missed not only on our team, but in the relationships of so many who surrounded her here in Moscow.  I've never seen anybody more gifted in true relational evangelism and discipleship.  Jessica's neighbors, her Russian teacher, her church, her teammates, her friends, and the students in her circles will miss most poignantly the thoughtful and loving friend who has walked alongside them the past 5 years.  Her deep, empathetic nature lifted burdens off so many - around Jess, one really does feel as if she is in life with you and for you.  Her joy and love of adventure made Moscow fun and unpredictable - you never knew where you'd end up and what you'd be doing, but you knew the memories you were making would last a lifetime.

Dave and Jess, life is better with you in it.  Thank you for your years of service here.  We will miss you very much.  And as we could not say it better ourselves, we'll say it in your own words, do svidaniya


Your team in Moscow

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