"How then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear, without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach, unless they are sent?" ~Romans 10:14-15~
Our Vision...
We want to see spiritual movements led by students which are spreading throughout all universities in Moscow, throughout Russia, and to the rest of the World!
Our Mission…
Our team desires to model movement-building to students through prayer, evangelism, discipleship, and the passing on of vision and responsibility, in partnership with churches in our city.
How do we get there?
In the Moscow Metro ministry, believing students, volunteers and Crusade missionary staff work together to win Russian college students for Christ. We share the Gospel broadly on campuses all over Moscow, train and disciple student leaders, and send these leaders out, equipped to build movements of spiritual multiplication and reach others for Christ, both at their university, and beyond.
Why Moscow?
Living in the sprawling city of Moscow can be mesmerizing at times. Every face that we see is a reminder of God's love for His Russian people. He created each person behind those faces that we see, and wants to have a relationship with them. There are millions of faces that stare back at us on the metro, in the parks, at the cafes, at the bus stop, and in the universities as well. God deeply loves each one of the 12 million in this city and wants to draw them to Himself.
There are many evidences that people honored the Lord in this country at one time. Old Orthodox churches and monasteries are all around. It is encouraging to see these reminders of the strong faith many Russians once had. We pray for God to restore the church in Russia.
Moscow is 100% the most strategic place in Russia to reach others with the Gospel, and even more specifically students (1 out of every 10 people you see on the street is a student)! Students from republics surrounding Russia, as well as other foreign countries, come to Moscow to study at the prestigious universities. If they are reached for Christ when they are at the university, they will return home with the message of Christ’s love and forgiveness. Students studying in Moscow will be the future city, country, and world leaders – in business, in education, in government, in the marketplace.
We are in Moscow because there are 12 million lost and hurting people there who need the hope of Christ (less than 1% are Christ followers). For so long, Russians lived under religious oppression from their government. We have the words of life to set them free! Reach Moscow, you’ll reach Russia. And if you reach Russia, they’ll go and reach the world. That’s how influential this country is.
We want to be in the place where the most influential Russians are. That’s Moscow. God is slowly, little by little, transforming this city. We love Russia and we love it's people. They don’t always love us back. But we press forward, and continue sharing Christ, loving others, and coaching students to build spiritual movements, because obeying Jesus' call to fulfill the Great Commission is always, ALWAYS worth it, even in hard places.
Please pray for the hearts of Russian student leaders would be transformed by the hope of the Gospel!
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you..." ~Matthew 28:19-20a~
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